Comment Pieces

Cash flows down the drain to clean pipes

Posted on July 04, 2012

Garbage and sewage piled up or clogged in your drains is something that cannot be put up by anyone. Regardless of the numerous excuses given to fix civic issues, this one cannot be put on hold.

Broken and overflowing sewage lines have always been a nuisance in highly populated cities. If not for a permanent solution, at least an immediate solution would relieve many houses.

A respondent from Bangalore shared his problem to repair the broken pipeline in his locality. In spite of repeated complaints about filth running into homes causing health hazards, the official did not bother about it. Finally, a payment of Rs 100 as bribe did the job.

Another respondent from Chennai was planning to change the sewage pipeline for his house. Apart from the nominal fee required to carry out digging work, the respondent was forced to pay Rs 50,000 by the contractor. Despite persistent refusals, the respondent finally gave in by paying Rs 35,000 to get a new connection.

By Manisha Yadav