Comment Pieces

This retail robbery takes place in broad daylight

Posted on June 25, 2012

By Juwairia Mekhri

Retail outlets selling products way beyond the stipulated Maximum Retail Price (MRP) is in vogue across the country.  Violation of MRP laws is often ignored by many, and the few voices against it feel helpless as they are ignorant about the right redressal mechanism for it.

This practice is predominant in bus depots and railway stations and takes place to some extent in the local department store too. A respondent on our site mentions how he has come across numerous shopkeepers who demand an extra rupee or two for ‘cooling charges’.  The charge is being sought for items placed in the refrigerator!

These retailers take advantage of the floating population’s urgency, especially in railway stations  or bus depots.

Sale of anything above the MRP is a crime as per Packaged Commodities Rules, 1977. The legal metrology department has laid down regulations on retailers that the MRP must not be exceeded. The consumer court is the quickest and easiest forum to seek redressalfor such grievances.

Early this  year, the Metrology department booked 500 cases against 54 shopkeepers in Andhra Pradesh for charging extra money on food products.

Defaulters can be booked by contacting consumer protection forum, followed by approaching the police. The consumer courts’ toll free number is 1860-425-3333. For more details, visit this website