How to correct/change the name in a birth certificate of a new born in Bangalore

Name should not be empty

Process Flow

  • Go to the hospital where the child was born, and ask them to update the parent's names.
  • Also ask them to give a letter addressed to BBMP, listing the correction in the name. The hospital will ask for your ID proof and submit copies of the same.
  • If your child is less than one year old, then go to the birth registration office where you applied. If your child is more than one year old, then all records are moved to the main office of the BBMP office next to Upparpet Police Station, Majestic, Bangalore.
  • Get the application form which is the same as a fresh application, and submit it with the following documents:
  1. Hospital letter
  2. Your passport photocopies/ ID proofs
  3. Your school certificate photocopies should have the same name as in the passport
  4. Affidavit stating that the name is incorrect and you seek to change or make a correction in the  existing birth certificate.
  • Submit all these while applying for the name correction in the certificate. The clerk accepting the form may return one or more of the above documents, stating that they are not required. Ask her to add them to the file anyway - when the case comes to the proper official, all these documents are required.
  • Go on the appointed day to collect the birth certificate (after 3:30 pm).


Format used to prepare the affidavit


We <>, son of <>, aged about <> years and <>, w/o <> aged about <>.both residing at: <>, do hereby solemnly affirm and state on oath as follows:

Our name has been mistakenly recorded as <> and <> in the record of our son/daughter <> BIRTH CERTIFICATE NO. <>

We solemnly swear that our correct names are <> and <>

Therefore we are hereby swearing this affidavit before the concerned authority.

The statement made above is true and correct to the best of my knowledge, information and belief.

<Date>                                                                                            Deponent
                                                                                                 Sworn to before me

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Name should not be empty