• I Paid A Bribe
  • 12 years ago

If you dont pay bribe - pay double

Reported on August 29, 2012 from Ahmedabad , Gujarat  ι Report #975

Imagine a person driving at speed of only 40 km on lonely road with a helmet at midnight around 12:30 !!

Does it sound like an offender ? but as you are alone on the road the police stops you and asks for all documents. As you have ventures at night for some very important work and not roaming around you dont have original license but a photocopy of it.

You are being threatned that vehicle would be detained and at night you are taken at ransom and feel stranded if your vehicle is detained. you decide to pay the fine.

But wait, the actual fine is only 50 Rs. but you are also charged for rash driving and you end up paying 100 Rs. (because you did not offered a bribe)- i guess the police also has to show that they have fined somebody who is driving rash at night and hence they are active while the ttrtuth may be they dont have guts to catch the speedtreckkers

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