- I Paid A Bribe
- 9 years ago
- Transport
- General RTO related
- Paid INR 2,500
The RTO s in Gorakhpur have made a habit of capturing autos n public vehicles like tata magic whenever they are in need of money.They stop the vehicle and put some false allegations like overloading not having compkete papers.One of the common allegation is they say these vehicles have permit of "theka gadi "(contract vehicles) and these are carrying "futkar savari".Shall it mean that they should not carry the passenger not going in reserve ???
it mean that all the autos in the city are doing illegal work then why all autos are not banned???
They capture the vehicle impose heavy penalty n challan & after that ask for bribe to sign on release orders.
I myself had paid 12500 rupess today 10000 including taxes n penalty n 2500 as bribe to Mr Rakesh Singh R.T.O. Gorakhpur
is it right that a simple auto driver who earns to meet his two times livelihood shall pay these heavy amounts of bribes to these officer to let their livelihood continue ?????